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About The Fit For Life Podcast

Fit for life came about over the course of a very long year. It started after ending one job and beginning another. I found myself in my early 30’s feeling closer to my late 40’s. My Flexibility, strength and athleticism had slipped away after spending so much time behind a desk.

Stress, life and everything else seemed to pile on. Leaving me tired and lacking any desire to change. And as I had conversation after conversation with friends and family, I realized many people my age were in a similar situation.

A question that kept coming up during these talks was “how am I supposed to find time for me?” Work, family, children, after work or school activities. What time is left for us?

And it all grew from there. Through many iterations and a lot of trial and error finding the voice and style that represented what I want the Fit for Life podcast to become.

At its core, the Fit For Life Podcast is for anyone who is learning to love the body they have. Whatever your fitness journey has looked like this far, I want you to feel like you’re apart of a community that lifts each other up.

We’ll take it one day at a time, one step at a time.