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June 7, 2022

Burnout pt. 1 - 057

Hi, I'm James, the producer and writer for the Fit for Life podcast. And today, we're talking about burnout. Currently I'm experiencing it. So I'm going to be ending season 1 here. I have several of season 2's scripts written...

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May 31, 2022

Technique in Movement - 056

As a sort of follow up to last week's episode "Why we move" I wanted to speak a bit more about the how. The attention to detail that goes into learning a technique and prepares us to lift properly. Jeff …

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May 24, 2022

Why We Move - 055

Why do we exercise, work to stay fit, or generally try to and lead a healthy lifestyle? What is it that pushes us to get up when we're sore and achey from yesterdays workout and push through another workout. And …

Episode page
May 19, 2022

Intention - Kilen Murphy - 054

Today's guest is a wedding photographer from Vancouver Washington. He's made a habit and discipline of taking care of his mental and physical health with a focus on weightlifting. We discuss how it helps him keep up with the ...

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May 17, 2022

Vulnerability and Honesty - 053

Talking about the uncomfortable parts of my surgery and recovery isn't easy. I think that goes without saying. But one of my hopes is to share everything, good and bad so that if someone else is going through a similar …

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May 10, 2022

Mobility, The Sequel - 052

Welcome back to another episode talking about mobility. I'm going to come back to this occasionally because I really do believe it's important to your health. If you can't move properly through a range of motion, you're at hi...

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May 5, 2022

Being a Doctor, Food and Fitness - Stewart Decker - 051

Today we speak with Stewart Decker. He talks to us about how he balances being a doctor, managing a garden and staying in good health with frequent bike rides. He also shares some excellent advice on how to work on …

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May 3, 2022

Hydration and Heat - 050

Summer is coming. And with it, sunshine and heat and humidity. Depending on where you are, you may have to deal with the dangers of overheating during your workout. New Episodes Every Tuesday and sometimes Thursday. Questions...

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April 26, 2022

The Plan is Going According to Plan - 049

Time to write a new work out plan. Every few months, or cycles, you may feel inclined to make some changes to your workout plan. Whether it's to keep it fresh and exciting. Or it's to stimulate new growth. Whatever …

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April 21, 2022

Rock Climbing, Physical Therapy and Training - Lily Swan - 048

Today's guest is Lily Swan, a doctor of Physical Therapy. She has a wealth of information to share on topics like Gymnastics, physical therapy, training and recovery from injury and one of my favorite topics, rock climbing. S...

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April 19, 2022

Weight Loss Progress - 047

So I've been trying to lose weight. Not because I'm unhappy with where I'm at, but because of the fitness and health goals I have. And I wanted to share a quick update on how that's going. My goal is …

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April 12, 2022

Injury Prevention - 046

Injuries Suck. And if you've worked out or played a sport for anything length of time, it's hard to imagine that you haven't made it without some sort of bump, bang, strain or bruise. But what happens when you get …

Episode page
April 7, 2022

Nerding Out, Cosplay and Art - Ashley Greer - 045

Have you ever wanted to dress up as your favorite super hero? But didn't have the confidence to step out and show yourself to the world? That's not a problem for Ashley Greer, today's guest. She's a mom, an athlete, …

Episode page
April 5, 2022

Sleep Mask - 044

Ever have trouble settling in for a good night's rest? Ever wanted to look like some caricature of life from the early 1900's? Then do I have an episode for you. Today, I share one of the ways I've improved …

Episode page
March 29, 2022

If The Shoe Fits - 043

This episode is all about the things we put on our feet. Specifically when it comes to sport and fitness. I have a lot of shoes, so I feel like I can give some advice. Whether it's running shoes, weightlifting …

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March 24, 2022

Whisper - Dave Caldwell - 042

Today we speak with Dave Caldwell, the owner and creator of Whisper Running. A Youth oriented running club geared towards promoting healthy mindset and living while inspiring young runners to learn about themselves and how to...

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March 22, 2022

315 - 041

Big Moves Moving Big Things. This episode is a big moment for me. I aimed to hit several weight lifting goals by my 6 month surgery anniversary (2/13) and the deadlift was 315 lbs. I knew I could get it, …

Episode page
March 15, 2022

It Takes Time - 40

I feel like this whole month has had to do with time and patience. Everything takes time. I really want to emphasize that any goals you have and realistically want to achieve won't happen over night. Habits will need to …

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March 10, 2022

Time Changes Everything - Kristin Correll - 039

Today's guest is a close friend of mine. I wanted to bring her on because I think she could offer a unique perspective into being an athlete, a mother, a full time wonder woman. She shares her history with us …

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March 8, 2022

It's a HIIT - 038

Today, I want to share with you a training style that I enjoy called HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training. Typically a set of exercises done in succession with short rest periods, this keeps your heart rate elevated and ...

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March 1, 2022

The Feedback Loop - 037

A rolling stone gathers no moss. I think that's the saying. Today we explore the feedback loop and positive reinforcement we feel when we push through that initial hurdle of getting moving. What happens next? That's up to you...

Episode page
Feb. 24, 2022

Body Building During a Pandemic - Lionel Orji - 036

I had the opportunity to speak with an old friend, Lionel Orji. He's a very talented natural body builder and trainer. During the interview, he shares with me the journey he's been on for the last several years, how competing...

Episode page
Feb. 22, 2022

Listen to Your Body - 035

It can be really difficult to tell the difference between injury and soreness. Nagging issues can turn into problems if they're left to their own devices. Working through the pain could ultimately make it worse. So, how do we...

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Feb. 15, 2022

Losing Weight - 034

In today's episode I discuss my current weight goals and why I'm making the choice to lose weight. I share some of my thoughts on diet changes and weight loss, and the strategies I'll be using. New Episodes Every Tuesday …

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