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Feb. 10, 2022

Stay Curious, Get Gritty - Jess Heiss EverWild Performance - 033

On today's episode, I got to speak with Jess H. The Mind behind EverWild Performance. She's runner and lifter at heart and has made it her mission to help others on their journey. We discuss how she found running and …

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Feb. 8, 2022

If You Like It, Put A Ring On It - 032

Gymnastic Rings are my pick for the number 1 must have in a home gym. Even if you aren't building a home gym. Having a set of rings is invaluable. The versatility and ability to be used just about anywhere …

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Feb. 1, 2022

Bad to the Bone...yard - 031

I'm always looking for a way to pay less for the equipment I want. And occasionally, I'll find a deal that I think needs sharing. Today, we discuss the Rogue Boneyard. A place where brand new Rogue equipment can be …

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Jan. 27, 2022

Creating Balance - Mike Botkin - 035

Today's guest is Mike Botkin. And he seems to do everything: Father, Husband, producer/director of content with his livestreams on twitch and creating content for some of the states biggest esports teams. He shares his introd...

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Jan. 25, 2022

Kaizen - 029

Continuous Improvement. Always looking for ways to improve. That's what today's episode is all about. We discuss that idea that we should always be looking to better ourselves. Even if the changes are small, the goal is to be...

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Jan. 18, 2022

Cardio - 028

Cardio. Everyone's favorite, right? Repeatedly putting one foot in front of the other, over and over and over. Cardio is an incredibly important aspect of one's health and fitness. I'm not necessarily the biggest fan, but I'v...

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Jan. 11, 2022

Buy Once, Cry Once - 027

Building a home gym can become an expensive adventure. Previously, I've given reasons why you should and shouldn't build a home gym. But this episode is specific to those who decide to build out their own workout castle. I di...

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Jan. 4, 2022

It's Now 2022 - 026

Welcome back to the Fit for Life Podcast. Today's episode is about the new year. With everything winding down from the holidays, I thought I would do a quick update and catch you up on what's been going on on. …

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Dec. 30, 2021

Resilience - Kungfoody - 025

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with a very interesting guest, James "Kungfoody" Foody, a fitness and nutrition coach practices what he preaches. I had an amazing time speaking with him and I hope you enjoy my tim...

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Dec. 28, 2021

New Year, New You - 024

We're at the end of the year and for a lot of us, that means reevaluating our goals and planning for what the new year brings. What goals have you set? And how can you make sure that you're taking …

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Dec. 21, 2021

Holiday Rest and Recovery - 023

We're not done yet. Today we talk about making sure you're getting that rest and recovery you crave. Even if you're traveling to mom and dad's. Or The family came to you. I just want to give you a few …

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Dec. 14, 2021

Holiday Exercise - 022

So maybe there's a theme to the episodes for this month. Today we'll cover exercise when on the road, or when the weather isn't working in your favor. We look for opportunities to make sure we're making the most of …

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Dec. 7, 2021

Holiday Dieting - 021

Today, we discuss dieting during the holidays. I know, it's not the most fun thing to cover when all the good food is out. But Hopefully there's some nuggets of wisdom you can use and take away while you're spending …

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Nov. 30, 2021

Life Happens - Joel Collin-Demers - 020

Today I had the opportunity to sit down with a good friend to discuss the ups and downs that come with life. Everything from Owning a house, having kids, working and how all of this can impact your ability to …

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Nov. 23, 2021

Mobility - 019

If you're like me, maybe being loose and limber doesn't come naturally to you. It's something you'll need to work for. Today we discuss some methods to limber up and improve your mobility. One of those ways is with the …

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Nov. 16, 2021

Sleep - 018

Sleep. We spend a lot of time thinking about getting more sleep. And odds are, we aren't getting enough. Or the quality isn't where it could be. Today, we cover a few simple tactics that may help you improve your …

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Nov. 9, 2021

Jumping Rope - 017

The art of Jumping Rope for fitness. Many of us used this special tool only in our youth. However, it possesses a lot of usefulness even as an adult. Today we discuss the benefits of hopping, skipping and jumping as …

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Nov. 2, 2021

Two Heartbeats - 016

So I survived my surgery. I don't go into too much detail in regards of the surgery itself (I was asleep). But the healing process did lead to an interesting discovery... My heart doesn't sound the same. New Episodes Every …

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Oct. 28, 2021

Recovering from Setbacks and Surgeries - Jesse Nelson - 015

Today we're speaking with Jesse Nelson, an amazing two time cancer survivor and inspiration to me. He shares a lot of the wisdom that helped him get through the setbacks and experiences he's endured in his life. I also share …

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Oct. 26, 2021

Surgery Time - 014

The time has come. Surgery day is here and I must put my life in the hands of someone else (or a team of someone elses). I'll keep it short. And see you on the other side. <3 Once a …

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Oct. 19, 2021

Caffeine Free - 013

Do you love Coffee? How's it feel in the morning, when you don't get your daily cup of Joe? What if you suddenly just cut all of the caffeine out of your life? I'm experimenting with this to see how …

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Oct. 13, 2021

10,000 Steps - 012

Who doesn't love walking? It's just one foot in front of the other, right? What about doing that 10,000 times in one day? Still interested? Today, we discuss the process of increasing our daily steps just to add a little …

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Oct. 5, 2021

Meeting the Surgeon - 011

Big day. Time to meet the surgeon who will be performing my heart surgery. Time is moving fast now. But today, we slow it down and get to know our plan of action. Once a month I will interview a …

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Sept. 30, 2021

Handling Anxiety - Elisa Cresto Interview - 010

In today's episode we speak with Elisa Cresto. We cover topics of Anxiety and how to create some tools to better handle feelings of Anxiousness. Once a month I will interview a guest and share their story. Sometimes that migh...

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